Everyones favorite ramp builder, Aaron Sanio, came by the shop today to grab prizes for this weekend Pucelleville Skate Project. Aaron, From Nova Ramps, will be raffling off an Alpine deck to raise money for the skate project. Help support local skating, and check out a bunch of Aarons ramps in leesburg.
Here's a quick write up.
Come out and support Purcellvile Skate Project and skate with some of DC's biggest Pros on Nova Ramps!!!
There will be music playing and free drinks Supported by Honest Tea!
Alpine Ski Shop and Convoy Skateboards Have Donated some items to Raffle off!!! Don't miss out!!!
Kids under 18 Must ware a helmet and all skaters must sign Liability form to skate. If under 18 parents must sign it too. If you want a copy of the Liability form to print off and get your parents to sign before the event please email Aaron@novaramps.com
Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=125336240810986&index=1
See you there.
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