Monday, March 12, 2012

It's the 2012 NCAA Alpine "Bracket Challenge"

At alpine, we love "MARCH MADNESS"! Did you hear that MSU has a number 1 seed. Don't think we don't love the IZZONE in the bunch house. But that's another story. Let's get back to the PRIZES. Alpine is GIVING AWAY All of these great prizes to the winner of the "BRACKET CHALLENGE". Lots of capitalization in this post. Why you ask? because we love to say thanks to all of our great customers, for keeping us around all of these 40 years. So go to and enter the password alpine. It costs NOTHING! Do it. And you can win
  1. Under armour fitted hat
  2. Giro Goggles
  3. Altamont sweatshirt
  4. 686 base layer top
  5. Nike sunglasses
  6. Grandoe down gloves
All said, it is over $450 in prizes! good luck, and god's speed. tell your friends. the more the merrier.

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