Monday, November 17, 2008

Burton GMP Cartel EST

There are a lot of letters and initialing going on over at Burton. So much that I get confused. 1st there's GMP- Green mountain projects. Personally I like white mountain projects, but I understand that using the word "Green" makes everyone all fuzzy and warm inside.
2nd, there is EST- which stands for (I had to go look it up) Extra sensory technology. This is only found on the binders. And it only works with the 3rd component which is-
ICS-which stands for Internal combustion syndrome. I may have made that last one up, but we all get the picture. Anyway, we were able to procure 3 pair of these new binders and they look dope on a couple if the ICS decks. Remember, if someone comes to me and says limited, I will buy it. I am a sucker like that. The Cartel is one of my favorite Burton bindings. It kind of does it all. Not too much and not too little.

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